August 2, 2016

Working out is not hanging out

Welcome to afitnewyou!  Today I would like to explain an unfortunate truth…maintaining an exercise routine, working out, is not an easy thing to do.  It takes effort and dedication.  I believe most people wish they were in better shape, even those in great shape, but those same people for one reason or another don’t do everything that they need to do to get there.  Although there are a multitude of reasons why people don’t maintain the fitness regiments that they feel they should, the main reason is simply that it’s often hard to do.  Finding the time and energy can be daunting.  And this is why I tell many of my clients that it’s called “working out, and not hanging out for a reason.”  While this is an “it is what it is” mentality, I am not saying it to discourage you.  I am reminding you that working out takes effort for a number of reasons.  First, if you find it challenging to maintain a fitness program I want you to understand that you are not alone, and that it is for everyone.  Furthermore, its good to recognize that it doesn’t happen easy for anyone rather, its through an individual’s hard work that they get the results they have achieved.  Lastly, if you have started a program and you are not seeing the results you desire, I want you to first look at what you yourself have done, and ask your self have you been really working at it?
Joe was a very successful businessman who was in his late 60’s and significantly overweight who trained at personal training studio where I had first started training.  He was one of clientele, who at that time was primarily composed of housewives and retirees, who were proud to say they went to the gym.  While I found it admirable that Joe would come to “the gym” twice a week to “work out”, his time spent in the gym was in actuality only beneficial from a social stand point.
  As soon as Joe would come into the training area, he would literally sit at a machine and his trainer would bring him a cup of coffee.  Although I believe drinking caffeine could be performance enhancing for a work out, Joe was simply having a cup of coffee as part of his routine.  His work out time was spent primarily as part of a coffee club.  I do think there was a beneficial social aspect, but he was foolish to believe that going to the gym was benefiting him physically.  It probably gave him a false sense of pride to be able to tell his family, friends, and doctors that he goes to the gym.  He wasn’t lying, but he wasn’t getting any benefit.
While Joe is an extreme example of how time can actually be spent wasted in the gym, it should be recognized that if you are simply going to the gym for the sake of “going to the gym” you may never reach your fitness goals.  I will always agree that doing something is better than nothing, but if you really want to get the most out of the time you already sacrificed to get to the gym you have to put in the effort.  You have to work for your goals.  Remember it will not come easy, but it will be well worth it.  I have seen many people in the gym get discouraged because they make an effort to get to the gym and spend time there.  However, the effort was minimal and needed to be increased to realistically reach their goals.

“No pain, no gain” is an unhealthy exaggeration, but you should be working up to a sweat while in the gym.  Trainers even use something called the “talk test” to measure aerobic intensity.  With that test, if you are able to hold a conversation while doing cardio exercise you aren’t working hard enough…you are hanging out not working out.  Be realistic when it comes to your fitness goals.  Remember that if getting a “6 pack” was easy, more people would have them.  Getting to the gym should be commended, but putting in the appropriate work and effort is how you reach a fit new you!

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