September 26, 2016

Clothes hanger

Welcome to afitnewyou!  Today I would like to talk to you about the importance of joining a gym.  Many people hold off on joining a gym because they look at the cost of a monthly membership and feel that it is too expensive.  Then, what many of these will people do is purchase a piece of exercise equipment for their home.  But although they might have the best intentions of using this equipment, the equipment usually becomes nothing more than a fancy clothes hanger.  When someone buys equipment for home use, they usually do so both to save money and to squeeze in work outs in a timely manner.  However, the equipment usually gets neglected, and the workouts never happen.  On the other hand, if you invest in your health by joining a gym, there is usually a greater chance you will continue to workout, and you will get your money’s worth.
Nancy is a mother of three, employed full-time, and an avid shopper on Craigslist.  Because of her busy schedule, Nancy bought a gym-quality elliptical machine to use at home.  When she bought it, she had the best intentions of using it.  Her and her husband even bought a small flat screen television specifically for the space with the elliptical.  Shortly after she bought it, I asked her if she had been using it, and unfortunately, she wasn’t.  There were a number of excuses of why the machine wasn’t being used, one being that the machine was too big for the room they had it in.  Then, they replaced the machine with a recumbent bike…but that also never was used as often as intended.  The machines wound up taking up space, and being nothing more than places to hang their clothes.
One of the major hold ups with trying to work out at home is that there is no separation from life’s interruptions.  There are many people who can find the time and focus to work and / or work out at home.  But, for most people, trying to work out at home is difficult because of the many distractions that come up.  From the door bell or phone ringing, to someone else in the house needing something, many things can pop up that require attending to.  Instead of finding the extra time to work out at home, your time becomes interrupted.  Conversely, if you make an effort to leave your home and go to a gym, you eliminate those distractions.  While it does take time and energy to get out of the house, and get to the gym, once you are there, you will spend the time working out.  It actually becomes easier to put the time in. 

Major gym chains have become very competitive and their monthly fees have become very affordable because of that.  It is quite easy to find a gym membership for around $20 a month.  Although continuing a gym membership might seem more expensive then buying a second-hand piece of equipment off of Craigslist, the cost should be considered as an investment in your health.  Plus, the more you go to the gym, the more cost effective that membership becomes…you might even have it cost only a dollar or so per gym use.  That will be a very worthwhile investment in you.

When people purchase gym equipment for home use, they usually do have the best intentions of using it.  However, these machines usually become nothing more than glorified coat hangers.  For most people, trying to work out at home becomes difficult due to many distractions that pop up.  On the other hand, spending a few dollars a month for a gym membership actually becomes much more cost effective.  The money spent should be looked at as an investment in your own health.  A gym membership doesn’t have to be expensive, and there is a much greater chance you will actually use it.  Joining a gym is a worthwhile way to reach a fit new you!

September 19, 2016

Buddy system

Welcome to afitnewyou!  Today I would like to talk to you about how having a friend or a partner to exercise with can help you stay motivated to reach your fitness goals.  We are taught when we are young to use the “buddy system” to help keep us from getting lost when traveling in crowded or unfamiliar areas.  But the buddy system can also help keep you from becoming “lost” or straying from your fitness goals.  Having a fitness buddy will be helpful for two main reasons; first, a buddy will help keep you going when you are feeling otherwise unmotivated, and second, a buddy will make exercise more enjoyable.
Before I was in the fitness industry I was living at home while working a full-time job and going to school at night.  I had a hard time finding a time to workout regularly.  My older brother had a full-time job as well.  The only time that fit for both of us to workout was at 5 a.m. before work.  With all that I had going on with my schedule, I had a hard time waking up so early to get to the gym.  When the alarm would go off, I would listen to hear if my brother was up…if he was, I knew we were going to the gym.  If he wasn’t, I would often go back to bed.  Having him as my workout partner inspired and motivated me go to the gym.
Gloria and her daughter Gail train with me at the gym.  They each do a half hour session with me back-to-back because of their different goals and abilities.  But, while one of them is training with me, the other will do 30 minutes of cardio.  When they come in separately, they often do less cardio or will even skip the cardio for that day.  By coming to the gym together, they are in a sense forced to do longer sessions.
But having a partner to train with doesn’t work just because you are forced to; having a partner often makes exercise more fun.  Janet and Lois are two friends who come to the gym to do cardio together.  While in the gym they try to get elliptical machines that are next to each other, so that they can talk to each other and keep one another motivated.  They say the time goes by much quicker when they are there together.  On top of that, they push each other to work harder and longer.  Similarly, with the current fitness tracker trend, I know a group of coworkers who are competing to see who logs the most steps in a day.  Their friendly competition has them finding creative ways to keep their feet moving throughout the day.
Using the buddy system isn’t just for children to keep them from getting lost while on an excursion; the buddy system can be used by you and a friend to keep you on course to reach your fitness goals.  Exercising with a buddy has many benefits.  A buddy can help you be accountable when you might otherwise skip a session.  A buddy can also help you work harder while you are exercising.  And most importantly, training with a buddy can make the work much more fun.  And the best exercise that anyone can do is the one that you will do enjoyably.  Using the buddy system in your exercise routine has many ways for you to find a fit new you.

September 12, 2016

A picture is worth

Welcome to afitnewyou!  Today I would like to offer you a quick and easy way to help you meet your dieting goals by making a last minute adjustment to your meal.  All you need to do is have your phone and its camera ready when you sit down to eat.  Simply take a picture of your meal before you have it, and see if what in the picture looks like a healthy meal to you.  If it doesn’t, ask yourself what last minute changes can you make to it, to help you reach your nutritional goals.
While at lunch the other day, I was looking across the room and noticed my co-worker’s lunch.  My co-worker has been very consciously watching what she eats over the last couple of months as she will be part of an upcoming wedding party.  I was impressed, and even envious, of how healthy her lunch looked.  She had a tall bottle of water, fresh fruit, some baked whole grain snacks, and a freshly made wrap.  Everything about it, the colors, the arrangement, and the contents made it look like a meal that would be the focus of an “eat this” article.  Then, I looked down at my own lunch and noticed that it wasn’t quite as appealing or healthy.  I had a late start that day so on my way to work I quickly picked up a deli sandwich on a white bread, and had a cup of coffee from the lunch room’s coffee machine.  I have to admit, I was a bit depressed, and not quite as hungry any more as I looked down at it.  I thought, this would be the “don’t eat this” picture in that same nutrition article.  But just as we shouldn’t let a little discouragement hold us back in life, I spilled the coffee out in the sink, and filled up a cup with water.  And although it was a little too late to change my sandwich, I did discard a significant portion of the bread.  Even though I couldn’t change the entire meal, I did make some small, yet significant changes to make my meal healthier.  I only made the changes after “seeing” that “picture” of my meal and thought about which side of that nutrition article it would fall on.  If you make enough small changes in your life, whether it is within your diet and / or exercise routines, they often add up. 
Taking a picture of your meal just as it is might not seem too helpful at first glance (pun intended.)  But seeing its picture and making it healthier with some simple yet significant changes will be beneficial.  Furthermore, taking a picture of what you are eating often enough will help you to recognize what shouldn’t be on your plate in the first place.  You will pick up on patterns of the unhealthy items that you keep removing.  Done often enough and you will start avoiding them before they even get there.

It is said “a picture is worth a thousand words.”  Here, a picture can be worth a few hundred calories each meal, and in turn, many pounds of fat loss.  Seeing a picture of what you are about to eat will help you focus on whether or not it can be improved.  Small changes to individual meals will help you recognize poor food choice patterns as well.  Taking a look at what you are eating will help you make better nutritional choices and help you achieve a fit new you!

September 7, 2016

Physics 101

Welcome to afitnewyou! Today I would like to explain to you how the fundamental laws of physics apply to fitness training.  Some of the most brilliant scientists of all time were physicists, and there is a reason why we compare the complexity of things to rocket science.  One of the most brilliant of these scientists is Sir Isaac Newton, who has three fundamental laws of motion named after him.   One of his most recognizable laws starts “an object in motion will stay in motion; and an object at rest will stay at rest.”  You have most likely heard this statement before, but I would like to show you how this fundamental of science applies to fitness as well.
Here in the Northeast we are pretty familiar with “snow birds”, people who live up north during most of the year, but then fly down to a home in Florida to spend the winter months.  And here on Long Island I have encountered another type of “bird”, the client who spends the summer months “out east” at their summer homes.  Both of these types of people will train for most of the year in the gym, but when they move away, their exercise routines drop off dramatically.  While they have the best intention of starting up again, they usually don’t start as soon as they would like and/or need because as Sir Isaac Newton says, the body rest tends to stay at rest.  I have noticed this as well with younger clients who are athletes.  They will train hard to prepare themselves for their sports season, and they stop once they are “in-season.”  Unfortunately some of them will have a hard time starting up again when their season gets out for the same reason.  While they might need some rest following their season, the more rest they get, the harder it is for them to get back into the routine.
I constantly remind my clients that a fitness routine is not supposed to connote something that is mundane and boring.  However, it is called a routine because it is supposed to be maintained regularly because you want to be a body in motion that stays in motion.  Fitness is just one of the many aspects of life that are easier to handle once we “get into the rhythm.”  It can be said that it is easier because it’s a fundamental law of physics.
If you do get into the gym regularly, you will know that this law also applies to how both your body moves, and how the weights move.  It’s always harder to get the weight stack moving for that first rep.  That’s because you need to overcome static friction…another physics term.  But once the weight, and/or your body, starts moving, it’s easier to keep it moving.  So keep that in mind as a means of encouragement…know that once you get yourself going, it will be easier to keep going.
People who suffer from arthritis also understand quite well why it’s important to remain in motion.  Many who suffer from arthritis experience the worst pain after staying in the same position for a long time (e.g. sitting in a car, sitting at a desk, getting out of bed in the morning).  But, they get relief as soon as they start moving, and the pain will remain at bay until they stop again.

You can’t argue with the laws of physics, and there is much to be learned from brilliant scientists.  It’s important to understand that with Newton’s Law, an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays, at rest applies to you and your movement too!  You are not excused from the laws of physics.  So be encouraged!  Know that once you start a routine, it will be easier to maintain routine if you keep at it.  And even moving the weights will be easier as well.  However, if you become that bump on the log, it will be hard to get out of that rut.  So, if you are debating taking a day off from the gym, try not to unless it’s due to an injury.  You want to keep your body in motion because it will be easier to remain in motion.  Work with the laws of physics…getting yourself in motion will become and easier and easier way to achieve a fit new you!