The school motto where I work is "Above All Charity." We are constantly working to instill in our students that doing the "right" thing is the right thing to do. There are many different reasons why you should do the right thing, but I am pretty sure no matter your personal beliefs, that we all agree that we actually feel good when we do good. I believe we actually physically feel good as we do something good for others. Therefore, the more we do for others, the better we ourselves feel mentally/emotionally, and then the better we feel physically as well. In short, helping those around us makes us physically feel better. What a great way to feel physically healthy!
Helping others is noble, should be commended, and is probably for most people something that doesn't happen as often as we would like. It is very similar with getting to the gym and eating healthier; we all know it is the right thing to do, but we just don't do it as often as we would like. We also know that the more we actually do it, the better off we will be. What keeps us from acting on our best intentions? Just like with training, I think a very common short fall is the result of adequate planning and preparation. Think about it, it is a lot easier to make healthy food choices, if the groceries in your house that you previously went shopping for is what is available to you. Keeping the analogy between helping people and working on fitness suggests that the more you plan to help people, the more likely you will. And again, the more you help others, the better you will feel.
My suggestion to you today is to make a "charity calendar" for yourself. What I mean by that is that you can either use an actual calendar or simply make a list, and plan to do at least one act of charity every month. Im not saying that you have to make a monetary donation every month to a charity, I am suggesting to help others in any way you can...often giving someone your time is the greatest gift of all. By using a calendar, you can plan ahead for the ways that you will help others. Just like with training, the more you are able to look ahead to what you want to do, the more likely you will actually do it. Here are some suggestions on how you can help others and use a calendar to plan ahead for it:
- January - Donate one of your used coats. Many local organizations collect coats for the needy as the weather gets colder.
- February - If you live in a colder climate shovel your neighbor's walkway when it snows. You even get the added benefit of burning calories as your helping someone else.
- March - Discover a charity. If you ever used a search engine to find a non-profit, and/or a not-for-profit, you will see just how many needs are out there. Find one, and make a donation.
- April - "April showers bring May Flowers." Change "April" with your name and change "May" with someone else. Surprising anyone, even a stranger with flowers is sure to create a smile.
- May - Participate in an benefit walk/run. There are so many benefit runs throughout the year, but May is a great month to join in before the weather gets too warm or too cold.
- June - One of the busiest months for weddings. That means your local place of worship is busy committing to people getting married. Call the administrative office and ask if there is any way you can volunteer to help while others are attending to the increase in weddings.
- July - Volunteer and/or help with a local veteran's group. Here in the States as we celebrate Independence Day our veteran's are much more visible...dont forget about them. Find any way you can to show appreciation for their service.
- August - In the "dog days of summer" go and help dogs...literally. Local animal shelters accept used towels, lines and even newspapers to act as bedding. If you're able to, adopting, fostering or rescuing a dog in need is a great way to get a new running/walking partner.
- September - School supplies are both on sale and needed by many. Some stores that sell school supplies often even give you the ability in the store to help those in need of educational supplies.
- October - When you think of all the ghoulish ghosts and vampires around Halloween, think about your local blood bank. Giving blood is so important, and just like with ringing doorbells on the 31st, you are usually rewarded with a small sweet treat.
- November - Food pantries are constantly in need of sundries, but you see the need much more around the holidays. Just like with school supplies in Sept. there are many stores that allow you to make food donations as easy as Pumpkin pie this time of year.
- December - Give a gift. Whether you are donating a toy to a drive, or surprising someone unexpected like with the April flowers suggestion, when you are thinking about your gift lists this month, add one more on for someone in need.
I am telling you with one hundred percent certainty that if you do good for others, you will get a good feeling inside. Your body will react physically and/or mentally/emotionally to a good deed you have done, it will put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. The good deed will therefore not only benefit the recipient, but you, yourself as well. The side effect of feeling good yourself does not take away from your altruistic act. The good deed done from your heart, the figurative one symbolized for love, will directly affect the literal four chambered one in your chest. Everyone wins! Helping others is a selfless way to achieve a fit new you!
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