April 16, 2018

In Your Face

          Welcome to afitnewyou!  Today I want to give you another technique to get you to act on your fitness goals.  You see, there is the old cliche "Out of sight, out of mind" which loosely translated means that we tend to forget about things that aren't in some way or form in front of us.  In terms of fitness goals, it could become easier to skip hitting the gym if you are never near it.  On the other hand, if you had to drive past the gym on your way home from work everyday, there would probably be a bit of guilt if you were passing it without stopping there first.  So a straightforward way to keep you on task to achieving your fitness goals is to keep them in view at all times...to put them in your face.  It is a lot easier to stay focused on your goals if your eyes are constantly on the prize.

          One of the most effortless and frequently prescribed motivational tips is to find a picture of something that involves your goal and to place it somewhere you can see it every single day as a reminder.  For example, a good friend of mine as cut out, and taped to his dashboard a picture of a Porsche 911, which he strives to own one day.  Every single time he gets into his car, he has a visual reminder of what his goal is.  That allows him to stay motivated and make the necessary decisions he needs to do in order to one day own one.  Similarly, this type of technique is often expressed to those who are dealing issues concerning their self-image.  They are often told put positive words on their bathroom and/or changing room mirrors, so that when they see themselves everyday, they can be reassured that they are someone special.  This technique is super easy to apply to achieving your fitness goals.  All you would need to do is in the same way put pictures of what you are trying to achieve or words that reflect your goals in places that you would easily see them on a regular basis.  Get these reminders in your face.

         The more specific you make these visual reminders the more effective they will be.  For example, if you are trying to maintain a healthier diet, posting your goals right on your refrigerator is one of the best places to put your goals to see them regularly.  Although you might have to be a bit more creative to accomplish it, hanging the pair of pants, bathing suit, or dress that you are trying to fit into next to your refrigerator would be even more effective as the visual cue is super clear.  The training equivalent would be to put your gym bag and or sneakers right in front of the door, so that when you go to leave the house in the morning, you are forced to either take them with you, or have to make the wrong decision to push them to the side.  To take it to the next level, pack your bag the night before and leave it your car, on your driver's seat waiting for you.  The more you see it, the more likely you are to use it.

          There are plenty of easy ways to put your fitness goals in your face so they are also on your mind's eye.  For example there are a good number of ways to set up reminders on your phone that could be set to alarm just before you reach a meal time and or when you want to work out, to prompt you to stick to your fitness goals.  You can also do things that require slightly more effort, like as I mentioned in the introduction, make your route home from work one that requires you to drive past your gym.  When you drive past it and see it, you will have to make a decision to stop and train, or to sheepishly continue on your way.  While they may not get you to do exactly what you intend right there and then, if it becomes a decision you have to face, you will be forced to act in some way on your goals.

          Out of sight, out of mind is said to reflect the concept that when we don't have something in front of us, we will falter away from it.  Keeping your fitness goals out of sight and out of mind is guaranteed to cause you to fall off of the path towards reaching your goals.  But on the other hand, if you keep your goals in front of you, you will be hard pressed to forget about them nor lose focus.  And by literally putting your fitness goals in your face, you will most definitely have to think about them which should enable you to act on them.  Putting your fitness goals in your face is a sure fire way to be reminded to reach a fit new you!