Welcome to afitnewyou! One thing that so many of us do to start our day, and or week, is to watch the weather forecast to see what the weather is "going to do." We check it not just because we are curious, but because the weather often factors into our plans and we need to know so we can adapt to it. It could be something simple like wanting to know what the weather is doing so you know if you should carry an umbrella or which coat to wear. Or, if you are like me who has a job whose work for the day depends on the weather, the weather will dictate what you are able to accomplish for the day. Believe it or not, but this adaptation to the weather is a skill that we must learn. If you ever check in an elementary school classroom, you will see that learning about the weather and how to appropriately dress for it is taught because of its simple but profound importance. Like the "A, B, C's" we all eventually develop this skill of adapting our behavior, whether in choosing the appropriate layers or figuring out what work can be done for that day, to external circumstances. And this lesson could and should be applied to other areas of our lives...for example with your fitness! In order to reach the level of fitness that you are striving for, you need a plan. The plan you develop is going to be set up around many factors, such as your current state of fitness, the amount of time you have, etc. But it also needs to factor in variables that are beyond your control, like injuries, or things that just happen to "pop up" and steal away your time. These factors are like the weather; they are things we need to adapt to because they are beyond our control. Having the ability to adapt to changes, just as you do to the weather, that confront your fitness goals, will give you a disposition as sunny as a warm summer day and allow you to ultimately achieve them!
Most weather forecasts don't just tell you about the weather for that particular day, they often go into an extended forecast, predicting the weather for at least the full week. Although the forecast is only a prediction and the meteorologist may be wrong, there is usually enough information there to help you plan for the week. The forecast isn't a guarantee, but it helps you plan ahead. For example, people who have plans to travel usually look to and often rely on these extended forecasts for reliable information. If they see something that might hinder their plans, like and upcoming storm, they might make an adaptation like rescheduling a flight. This same technique could be used to help you achieve your fitness goals. Your fitness goals are usually set around some time in the future, not today, just like the extended forecast deals with the end of the week, not today. And like that forecast, you are not guaranteed the results. But by looking at what the future may hold, you can plan ahead, and make any necessary changes. For example, when it comes to eating healthy, it is best to plan your meals for the week ahead of time. You need to plan for the upcoming days when you go to the market to buy the groceries you will need. If you don't plan ahead, you can get caught standing in the rain without an umbrella figuratively if you are then limited to a spur of the moment food choice that is less healthy. Furthermore, if you know in advance that there will be a roadblock in the future, you can adapt for it ahead of time. Take for example that there are time when I know at the end of the week I will need to be at work for an extended amount of time. On those days I will pack two meals instead of just the one. Just like watching the extended weather forecast, knowing what lies in front of you will help you in your planning.
Extended forecasts are helpful, but they aren't 100% accurate due to deficiencies in technology and just the true nature of weather. However, daily forecasts are extremely accurate, and the less time into the future you look, the greater the accuracy they have. Most phone weather apps, will even give you a forecast minute by minute with great certainty. This is why many people will plan their day around the forecast in the morning. Almost as essential as having their cup of coffee, is watching the weather report before they leave the house. If there is a chance of rain, you will make sure to bring an umbrella. If its going to be a little cool, you might carry an extra layer. This concept of making an adjustment to your day is so simple it is done almost subconsciously. But like the elementary school students learning about how to dress for the weather appropriately, it had to be learned at some point. Starting your day with a plan and the ability to make adjustments to meet your goals the same way that you plan for and adjust to the weather, will have you making great strides towards reaching your goals. An example, would be due to knowing that you have a meeting late in the day, you bring your gym bag with you so you can go straight to the gym instead of needing to go back home first after work. The key is to start your day mindful of your goals and what the day might potentially bring. If there is some knowledge that something might get the way of you achieving them, make the small adjustment necessary to keep you on track just as you would if there was a weather pattern you had to adjust to.
It is often joked that the beauty of being a television meteorologist, is they have a job that their accuracy doesn't seem to factor into their job security. It is ironic though in that so many people rely on the weather forecasts in order to function in some form or manner. But while the forecasts may be lacking, it is our ability to adapt to the weather that saves everyone. We learn from an early age how to adapt to something out of our control. And as we mature, we learn to even plan ahead for it. The same concepts should be applied to achieving your fitness goals. In the same way that you would use a weather forecast to help you choose particular behaviors, you can plan ahead for the day or week by making the changes that would help keep you moving along. Weather forecasts, are not perfect, but the better we are at planning for what the weather will be, and more importantly how to adjust to the weather, the more functional we are. How many people keep an umbrella in their car just in case it rains? In the same way, if you are trying to reach your fitness goals, you should keep a box of protein bars in your car...just in case you are forced to skip a meal. With a good amount of certainty we can forecast what we will face in our lives. But our ability to adapt to what lies ahead is really our strength. Adapting to what the day brings you will help you reach a fit new you!