March 2, 2020

"Seeing" is Believing

          Welcome to afitnewyou!  As a very spiritual person, I know how important it is for one to believe without seeing first; it is a sign of true faith.  However, when it comes to your health and fitness, envisioning yourself reaching your goals is a great way to both start and help you along your journey.  "Seeing" yourself achieve a goal using a visualization technique will help you believe you can actually get there.  In Chinese medicine there is a similar thought that the Li precedes the Qi, which conceptually means having the notion begets the motion.  By visualizing yourself achieving your goal today, your are much more likely to achieve it in due time!

          Visualization is not a new concept; it is one that has been scientifically proven to improve performance.  It essentially works by calling up a mental image of what you are looking to do, so that you can concentrate on achieving it.  Having the image allows you to "keep your eye on the prize" so to speak.  One visualization technique called mental rehearsal has the person actually "perform" the activity or scene in their head to better prepare for the future.  It is often used by athletes who are rehabilitating and are limited in their physical activities.  With this in mind, pun intended, someone can use visualization to better achieve short-term goals as well as long-term ones.  I often use this in my own workouts with great success when I visualize myself performing a lift before I actually do the set.

          Picturing yourself reaching your goals is a great way to help you attain them.  The more realistic you make that vision, the more likely it is to come true.  Envision what you will look like wearing that dress you are trying to fit into.  Think about the compliments that will be given to you.  See yourself as that leaner, stronger individual and how you will see yourself in the mirror.  A good friend of mine even did this with an actual picture when he taped a photo of a Porsche on the dashboard of his beater reminded him of his goal to own a nicer car every single time he got in his car.

          One can argue that needing to see to believe shows a lack of faith.  Although I can agree in part, I would counter that envisioning something in the future is a show of trust in the process.  Trust is a very large component of faith, and in order to reach your fitness goals the hard work falls solely on you.  So trusting the process and believing you can get there is having faith in yourself.  Think about your goals.  Focus on them.  So much so that you can actually picture yourself getting there.  See yourself as a fit new you!

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